I am searching for a small lamb with a soft stuffed head and beads in the body. I do not know what brand he was.
It was purchased in the Spring of 2003, I think, possibly from Fred Meyer’s. >From head to tail he was about 5″, cream colored body, pink lined ears, and pink thread nose/mouth, black bead eyes, and tan bottoms on the back feet, with tan fabric front feet – sort of like a sock.
He was my son’s constant companion until we lost him on vacation last year, and I have been searching for a replacement since. Thank you for you help.
If you can help Briana find this lamb, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #040608-5 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 04/06/2008
Please be sure you use an email address that is correct, and that you will be using for a long time!! I can’t help you if I can’t contact you!!