I got a small gray elephant from People Pals in early 2008 with large eyes that made a roaring sound, and simply fell in love with him. I named him Num-Nums, and it is written on his tag.
I’m sorry, no photos! We never thought we’d need them 🙁 He is about 3-4 inches tall, has soft microsuede “fur” with huuuge brown eyes, and he makes a sound that kind of sounds like a t-rex.
Since then I have lost him in the Apple Valley area and desperately want to find him. If you have an idea of where he is or where a replica might be, please contact me!
Much appreciated!
If you can help Eevee find this Small People Pals Microsuede Big Eyed Gray Elephant that “Roars”, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #110509-4 in the subject
Originally posted 11/05/2009