My son lost his teddy bear several days ago. The bear has a tan head and is wearing a blue pajama/sleeper. His eyes, nose, and the three buttons on the front of his pajamas are fake (thread sewn to make it look like eyes, nose, and buttons). The bear was made by Carter’s back in 2007.
He is going to be 2 years old in April. He always carries his bear with him wherever we go. Unfortunately, my husband wasn’t paying attention when we went to Walmart and left it on a shelf. We returned to the store within 30 minutes, but the bear was already gone. It breaks my heart every time my son asks for his bear, and I can’t give it to him. I’ve tried distracting him with other plush animals, but nothing works.
I did a search on your site and found that in February someone else was looking for the same bear and someone found it on eBay. I’m hoping to get the same results.
I’d really appreciate any help you can give me.
Thank you.
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Originally posted 03/14/2009