In the Fall of 2006, I purchased a small plush bear from Carter’s for my newborn son. It has become his favorite lovie, and he takes it everywhere. Unfortunately, it has been lost, and we need help finding a replacement.
The teddy bear is brown, about 8″ tall, and wearing a red outfit (which completely covers its body). The outfit also has a soccer ball on it with Athletic embroidered above it.
We are about to have another baby, and I can’t imaging how our toddler will cope without his favorite lovie!
Please help!
If you can help Suzanne find this Carter’s Brown Bear wearing a Red Sleeper with a Soccer Ball and Athletic on the Chest, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #020309-7 in the subject
Originally posted 02/03/2009