My daughter lost her purple lovie kitty during our move to the US, and she can’t get good sleep without it.
We bought it at the AAFES Army Toyland store in Mianz-Kastel,Germany, but it’s from the US. It was purple, with a white face, white feet, and a white tip on the tail. The inside of the ear was white, outside purple. Eyes are black with a blue outer edge. Nose is a lighter purple with some sparkles, and a white silk ribbon with purple polkadots. It also had some kind of small beads inside the feet and belly to help it lay down.
If anyone can find it, my daughter will be the happiest girl in the world, and we will be happy also.
I have searched every were on the NET for it, but can not find it anywere. Please help my daughter to get back her lovie.
Thank you,
If you can help Roshan find this Lying Down Purple Cat with a White Face, Ears, Tummy, Feet, and Tail and a Purple Sparkly Nose, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #051709-2 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 05/17/2009