I bought an Animal Alley stuffed animal at Toysrus for my daughter when my mother died in 2001. Though she was 11, she took to it immediately, and it meant a lot to her. She always kept it with her, even when she went away to college.
Somewhere between the drives back and forth it got lost. I was hoping to surprise her with a duplicate for her birthday, but I cannot seem to find anything that looks like my daughter’s Lelephant (that was the name she gave it). I have tried searching all over, but I cannot find it anywhere.
I can read most of the tag, but that has not seemed to help. Please tell me if you have even seen this stuffed animal. I would really love to surprise my daughter. It had sky blue eyes and whiskers and what looked like a large ‘W’ on its forehead. The fur was longer on its belly.
Thank you for your time,
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Searching for a toy – Originally posted 04/05/2009