I’m looking for a dark brown Carter’s plush puppy dog. It’s small, about the size of your hand. It has a white patch over one eye and white paws.
I have Preemie twins – 28 weekers to be exact. They spent 3 months in the NICU. and came home on oxygen and monitors. My daughter is now 1 and doing great!. This is the only item that she has been able to attach to sooth herself. My son…still has nothing. But she is now sooo attached.
I’m afraid to wash it…not to mention lose it. She falls asleep each night with it on her chest and uses the ears to cover her eyes. Without it… it is a nightmare. The sun rises and sets to her over this puppy!
We have no back up for this and am so scared of losing her comfort after all she has been through.
If anyone can help me I would be so grateful.
If you can help Beth find this Carter’s Dark Brown Dog with White Eye Patch & Paws, please Contact Us, including POST CODE #122509-6 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 12/25/2009