One of our Fabulous Finders added this information, and I’ve added a photo of one:
It is a vintage Russ Berrie Samuel Dog. They came in different sizes, with painted eyelids.
I have a stuffed puppy approx. 6-8 inches in length, brown and tan. I’ve had him since I was 1 (am 27 now). It’s a basset hound design, with a sort of light tan felt behind the brown ears. Only bit that’s beige/tan is the snout and ears. The snout and body are a velveteen sort of, with a felt ball black nose.
I’m just concerned as my son has taken a liking to him and keeps trying to play with him, although he’s a bit old and hairless at this point. I’d like to find a couple of them, one for me, and one for him, so I can put Puppy into safe storage without further harm.
Thank you,
If you can help Jody find this 80’s Lying Down Brown & Tan Beagle Sad Eyed Dog, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #100109-2 in the subject
Originally posted 10/01/2009