Obviously this is my attempt to show something of what Melissa’s Puppy looked like.
I have a stuffed animal that I received as a gift when I was born, which was in 1985. He is in a sort of sitting position like most stuffed animals and has long floppy ears like a rabbit, but looks like a dog. He had a rainbow patch on his stomach, but mine has been chewed up by animals a few times so my Mother had to replace it with a heart patch.
I slept with him every single night and called him “Puppy”. I always liked the feel of his ears and was constantly rubbing them. I rubbed his ears so much that he doesn’t have ears left. He has glass black eyes and a oval nose. This stuffed animal means a lot to me, and I would love to find another one, so I could have one for my 19 month old daughter.
Help!! I am desperately trying to find another “Puppy”!
If you can help Melissa find this long eared seated puppy dog, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #040308-5 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 04/03/2008
Please be sure you use an email address that is correct, and that you will be using for a long time!! I can’t help you if I can’t contact you!!