Robin is still looking for this duck, but she wants an exact one – similar won’t do.
I am looking for a soft duck doll that quacked when you squeezed it. It was over 12 inches long, and it had a little brown hat and wore jeans. He kind of looked like an Amish farmer, the way he was dressed. My brother said they were quite common in stores around Allentown, Pennsylvania when he got it, which was around 1996-1997.
This is a doll my brother gave me several years ago, because I fell in love with it and I just adored it.
I was having my house remodeled, and we had a horrendous construction disaster causing everything in the house and around it to be covered with toxic materials. I ended up in the hospital, my cat was killed, my dogs all injured. The house was unlivable for three months. Most of my property, including all cloth materials like clothes, bedding and stuffed animals like Quackers (what my brother named him) could not be cleaned and had to be destroyed. So I may not be able to find a photo.
I really loved Quackers. Not only that, but I think just being able to bring him home will help with the psychological trauma from the whole event.
Anastasia has this variation of the same duck. This one is by Play Zone, so the one Robin needs may be the same brand.
Many thanks for any help you can offer,Robin
If you can help Robin find this Large 90’s Quacking Duck Wearing a Brown Hat & Jeans, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #092008-3 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 09/20/2008