We have a mailing list of people looking for the various Snuzzles Blankies animals.
I’m looking for a Playskool SNUZZLES baby pastel plaid woven blanket lion with a pink satin triangle nose and a yellow ruffled satin mane, white satin feet and ears and the Snuzzles thumb sucking bear that does not vibrate, too.
My sister and I have had these stuffed animals since we were babies. We are now 21 and 23, and I still sleep with mine (the thumb sucking bear). They were always very important to us, however, when my sister went to Italy for a class trip, she lost hers.
I have been looking everywhere for these stuffed animals and trying to see if I could get another one. I wanted to get the lion. so I could give it to her child when she has one. And I want the bear for myself.
I would really appreciate your help.
If you can help Cassandra find the 80’s Playskool Snuzzles Blankies Plaid Lion & Thumb Sucking Bear (that does not vibrate), THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #19298,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Tuesday – 06/21/2011