Rae is looking for a WHITE and Yellow monkey that is similar to this one that Alicia is looking for.
I am looking for a white monkey that had long(ish) fur, with a yellow face and hands and no tail. He did not have Velcro hands, and was very floppy. He was about 15 inches tall.
I had him in the 90’s, but it might have been from the 80’s… I don’t even remember where I found it, but I had him up until 8th grade when I lost him on a trip to the east coast.
Any information on the brand, where they were sold, or what they were called, is appreciated. I’d love to have another one.
If you can help Rae find this 80’s? Floppy White Monkey with Yellow Face & Hands, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #042612-02
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Sunday – 06/10/2012