A very excited Marta writes:
I received my daughter’s precious “replacement” animal in the mail, yesterday. I cannot explain the emotions I had when I opened the box, and there he was.
IT IS HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never be able to thank you enough for what you have done for me.
You are an “angel.” I will always keep you, and your incredible “lost toy” service in my thoughts and prayers!!!Thank you so much,
When my daughter was born in 1982, my mother bought her a stuffed rabbit. I’m thinking that most likely, she purchased it at a K-Mart store. It was probably about 14-16 inches long and the fur was fluffy. I think that the rabbit had a tag on it that said it’s name was “Charlie”…..because that is what we named it.
My daughter had her rabbit for close to 20 years. And slept with it almost that long. During a move a few years ago, she lost it. I have placed ads and I have searched, but have never found anything. My daughter is going through some difficult times right now with her health and she keeps saying, “if only I had Charlie to take care of me.”
This is a photo of a rabbit that is close, but not the right one.
If you can help Marta find this rabbit for her daughter, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #052508-13,
Originally posted 05/25/2008