Carol is still looking for this bear, and Jennifer is looking for a rabbit that may well be the same brand.
I’m looking for a white plush bear with pink nose and blue eyes. He’s wearing an attached white with blue polka dots outfit with ruffled collar. This bear was given to my son in the late 90’s (98-99) or early 2000. “Beary” is about 9-10 inches long, brand unknown since my son cut the tag (sensory issue due to autism).
This is his comfort item, and he is extremely upset that our pet decided to munch her nose. He really needs this bear, since he shares all his problems with Beary. She is included in all his imaginative play. Since he is a child with autism, he does not make friends easily, and this bear eases many of his emotional problems.
Any help finding this bear will ease the upset that the entire family is suffering since the damage to the original bear.
Thanks so much,
If you can help Carol find this 1999? White Bear Wearing White Sleeper with Blue Polka Dots & Ruffled Collar, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #16956,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Saturday – 08/21/2010