Hannah is looking for a WHITE & BLACK DOG.
In about 1994-1996, when my parents purchased the Disney Channel, they sent us a stuffed animal dog – “Patch” from 101 Dalmatians. A little less than a year ago I lost him on a road trip to New York. I’ve tried hard to find him, but have been unsuccessful. He is about 12 inches high, worn, with black spots – identical to the character from the Disney movie. His nose is a bit disheveled, because it has fallen off, and I have had to re-glue it several times.
If you can help Hannah find this 1994? Disney 101 Dalmatians Patch White Dog with Black Spots & Ring Around Eye, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #16158,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Monday – 06/21/2010