I’m looking for a pink and multicolored striped puppy baby blanket made by the Petting Zoo in 1994. There were two types made – one mostly blue and the other mostly pink, and I need the mostly pink striped one. The pink puppy head has floppy ears and a circle around the puppy’s eye.
We purchased the puppy blanket for my God baby just as a cute gift when she was born. Well, it has become her security blanket. She takes it everywhere with her. Recently it was left overnight by accident at her Grandma’s house. My best friend called me crying, saying she felt like a horrible mother. My God baby was up crying, “Puppy!” all night long.
I would like to be able to find her a second puppy.
If you can help Alicia find this 1994 Petting Zoo Pink Dog on Pink Striped Multicolor Blankie with White Eye Patch, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #022510-1,
Originally posted Thursday – 02/25/10