Searching – 2004 SMALL YELLOW DUCK Wearing PINK OUTFIT & HAT
I’m looking for a duck that I would guess is about 6-7 inches high, and it’s yellow with a pink outfit sewed on, a large pink hat sewed on, and black eyes.
Once I tried to see what type it was, in the event we lost it, but all the lettering on the label had washed off by then.
One of the first toys my daughter Emily received after her birth in 2004 was this stuffed duck toy. It was immediately her favorite, and though other toys came and went, she always treasured her duck. In fact, she slept with it every night, and ducky traveled with us on vacations all over the country. In most photos we have of Emily, she is holding her duck.
Suddenly, we somehow couldn’t find it a month ago. She has photographs of her “baby ducky” all over her room and is wondering when ducky will be done “hibernating”.
Despite many hours on the internet looking for a similar stuffed duck toy, we have come up empty. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Best regards,
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Searching for a toy – Originally posted 11/08/2009