Searching – 2005 Fiesta SMALL LIGHT BROWN Shaggy CHENILLE Lying Down DOG Top Priority
A friend posted your site on her FaceBook page. I’m looking for a Fiesta dog that’s about 6″ long, with shaggy light brown chenille fur and a black nose and eyes.
Puppy was very loved. My husband is a video game junkie. While on vacation at Disney for Christmas 2005 with our families, Eric spent time at one of the redemption arcades. He won enough tickets to get a stuffed animal. Puppy was the first item Sam got from his Daddy.
Two years ago we’d gone to the park, and I swear we had puppy with us when we left. In fact, I’m sure my son went to bed with puppy. But alas, the next day when I got home from work, puppy was nowhere to be seen.
We eventually found suitable replacements. However, I’m still searching for that dog. This particular Fiesta dog is no longer available. I had tried finding a duplicate just six months after we got him (received Dec. ’05, started searching summer ’06, lost April ’08).
My little one is 4.5 years old and delayed. His puppy meant everything to him. Prior to the loss, Sam slept with Puppy every night. He went everywhere with Sam.
Loveys are so important to a child, but to a special needs child that has no concept of “lost”, it’s even harder when that lovey isn’t there anymore.
Thanks a million for even trying!
If you can help Andrea find this Small Fiesta Shaggy Chenille Light Brown Lying Down Dog, please Contact Us, including POST CODE #010410-1 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 01/04/2010
ebay Item number: 280438451760
It looks like a lighter version. Maybe you could get it and dye it with coffee or tea.
Also found this similiar one really cute, not same brand, but worth a look
ebay Item number: 110343414085
Thank you!! I am checking with the seller now with some questions. It's a bit bigger than the original, but might still work.
HI, did you find the dog you were looking for? I have a similar one that my daughter doesn't play with anymore. It's not "laying down" exactly, it has a bow around it's neck that you could take off and it has a black nose… the fur looks the same, though. Let me know if you want a photo or if you're all set!
POST CODE #010410-1
ebay #251139022098 very similar if not the same
POST CODE #010410-1
OMG, thank you! We haven’t been actively looking lately, but this is nearly spot on. Contacted seller and waiting reply. He saw the picture and immediately said it was his puppy and he missed it.
POST CODE #010410-1
I think this might be him: