Searching – DanDee Collector’s Choice Large BROWN MONKEY Diaper Stacker BLANKIE
I’m looking for a DanDee COLLECTOR’S CHOICE 24 inch Gown Style Extra Large Plush Comfy Blankie with Brown Velour Monkey Head and Arms and Cream Face, Ears, and Hands. There’s a Blue Embroidered Stars Opening with Ribbon Ties in Back for a Blanket? and Brown Satin Binding.
We are on the look out for a couple of these. I really need it for my 7 month old daughter, who uses the monkey as her baby. I bought it a couple years ago and can only find it for $30 on eBay, which is more than I can pay. It’s kind of scary when I’m washing it. I don’t want my daughter to be without her “baby” ever:)
Thank you so much,
If you can help Michelle find this DanDee Collector’s Choice Large Brown Monkey Gown Style Blankie, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #20472,
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Sunday – 10/09/2011
POST CODE #20472
You know about this one but it has been listed since at least early September so maybe seller will have a sale or change the listing soon.
ebay #390303179119
Here is one on ebay:
Best Wishes!
I have one of these little guys if you are still looking, just let me know!
Yes I’m still looking for it. How much are you willing to part with it for? Is it in good shape?
POST CODE #20472
All three are buy now or best offer. First is lowest asking price. Best Wishes!
ebay #370601920114
ebay #230732550465 2 available
ebay #180827055715