Home » FOUND – Hallmark Large PINK BUNNY


FOUND – Hallmark Large PINK BUNNY — 3 Comments

  1. Look at the unsold Completed ebay auction #380021942611 It looks like same bunny but 26″ seems large (may include ears?) You can contact seller through an active auction for more info and ask for a relist. If it is the right bunny but too large at least you know to look for an “Animal Alley” from Toys R Us.


  2. That sure looks like it to me!! I have emailed them.

    Thanks, Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Post Code #050808-1
    If you are still searching perhaps one of these would help. let us know.

    ebay #400097831993 hallmark
    ebay #250890374577 animal alley

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