I am looking for a dog that was purchased in Australia in 2006, but at this point I do not know where (I am trying to get in touch with the woman who bought it).
He’s a very soft, silky feeling beige puppy with furry brown ears and nose. It feels like he doesn’t have much stuffing, to give him a softer, floppier feel. There is a red heart on the bottom of his right foot. I wish I knew what the tag said, but I don’t (I will definitely not make this mistake with any other toys he takes a special liking to).
Despite my having bought my son a monkey that I thought would end up being his lovie, he had other ideas and chose this dog my mother’s friend gave him. Obviously we took doggy when we went to visit friends in Portland, and if he wasn’t already an important friend to my now 2 year old, they were inseparable on the trip. I think doggy helped him deal with being away from Daddy, and he hardly went anywhere without him.
You can imagine how devastated I was when I realized I forgot doggy on the plane. Calls to the airline have not been successful in finding him. This was several days ago, and I am on a mission to find a replacement doggy. My son has been asking for him. When I tried to make it fun and say doggy was on the plane, he didn’t cry, but he looked so sad and confused.
I hope someone can help me find doggy’s twin, as I know it would make my son very happy.
If you can help Gamze find this Sily Beige Dog with Brown Ears and Nose and a Red Heart on His Foot, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #072408-1 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 07/24/2008