FOUND – 1994 Large BLACK TY #2008 Cinders DOG
I can’t believe I just saw a post for someone else searching for the same dog I am trying to find, and they found it!!!
My daughter received this dog when she was 2. Then came Pepper and then Luke the beanie baby. She kept all in a box top covered with a blanket, and one day she left the entire box somewhere … never to be found. Pepper and Luke could be replaced, but never Cinders.
We can’t forget her, since she has a prominent place on the mantel in my daughter’s preschool photo–both smiles just as big as one another. This dog has meant so much, and I was trying to locate one for Christmas (she is 16 now). It seemed as if Cindy never existed, since nowhere could I find her–eBay, Google, TY, other Ty websites. Can you help with this?
She called the dog Lucy after my sister’s dog who had just died and to whom she had a special closeness. We miss this dog as if she were real!!! (I’m 57 and feel all stuffed animals are real!)
Please help!
If you can help Laurel find this Large 1994 TY Cinders Black Dog, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #122908-3 in the subject
Originally posted 12/29/2008
ebay Item number: 120336916234
Hi Tami. Laurel did buy the dog and tried unsuccessfully to leave you a thank you.