Hello, I’m looking for a special beagle dog. His name is Stuffy. I got him on Easter, 1976, from a very dear friend, who changed my life and then disappeared from me for 33 years. Stuffy stands between 10-12 inches high and is very squishy. His tummy is yellow, his feet are puffy, over stuffed, black on top, and yellow on the bottom.
He was lost in storage in the Seattle area, and I’ve been looking for him–or one just like him–ever since.
This special friend now needs a blessing in his life, and I thought it would be an added blessing to find a Stuffy look alike to give him right now.
If you can help Shoshannah find this 70’s Orange Beagle? Dog, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #041509-11 in the subject
Originally posted 04/15/2009
Can’t tell from the pic, does the dog have long black ears?
The mouth looks like a Dakin, but the eyes don’t look like any Dakin I’ve seen.
Possibly made in Japan, carnival toy.
Did it have any kind of tail?
POST CODE #041509-11
Tami, I’m not 100% positive but I think the tail was about 3 inches long and black. It doesn’t really matter to me though as long as the dog looks like what we can see of the one in the picture. The ears are black, long and shaped like a beagles. I’m not sure what brand it was but it didn’t appear expensive, although, well made. I appreciate your questions. Thank you.
ebay Item number: 260983126443
I made an offer
Thank you so much for finding this. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. You’re just awesome! And here’s something special. I got the original 36 years ago tomorrow. LOL Talk about special. 🙂
Correction, today is the 36th anniversary of the date I met the man who gave me this dog. He gave me the dog a month later on Easter. It’s still special. I’m so grateful to you I can’t say enough. Thankyouthankyou!