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I’m looking for a small 80’s Playskool blue plaid Snuzzles Blankies lamb. It’s a light blue baby pastel lamb with pink satin ears and feet and a little triangle satin nose. Its eyes are blue and look to me like eyes from Precious Moments pictures.
I recently went through a house fire and that lamb burned, well all my stuff burned, but that lamb was my first ever toy when I was born. I had kept it in good condition until the fire, and being special to me, I would like to try and get it back if possible.
Please help me
If you can help Desi find this 80’s Playskool Blue Plaid Snuzzles Lamb, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #23107
Searching for a toy – Originally posted Thursday – 08/16/2012