My son has lost his brown plush dog (it has 2 red hearts that cross over on the left ear). I do not know the name of the maker. But I am desperate to retrieve another one and would soooo appreciate your help.
Please find attached 2 photo’s. 1 being a photo showing the hearts on the ear of the dog and the other photo showing the dog. The clothes on it do not come with it, they are something put on their by Elijah (my son). I do hope you are able to help us. (My son had the whole church praying that we would find one – so I hope that helps LOL). Thank you.
If you can help Tanya find this Brown Dog with 2 Red Hearts in the Left Ear, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #062908-1 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 06/29/2008