Amy has added some useful information, including a better photo. She is still looking for the OLDER VERSION only of this dog.
I’ve found more information on the dog, and it is manufactured by Unipak Designs in Milpitas, CA. The name of the collection the dog is in is called “Ooleys”. Unipak currently markets the Ooleys plush dog, but I am actually looking for this dog from a previous Ooleys collection.
I tried to contact Unipak and they were not helpful.
In 2003 I bought my daughter a floppy tan and cream dog at a small candy store in San Francisco. He was probably 12″ to 14″ high, but he was very floppy. His tummy, head and paws had heavy beans in them, and the rest of his body barely even had stuffing. He was so floppy he had to be propped up to get him to sit. He was very soft when I first bought him, and in the photo you can see he was getting matted and more worn. He had glass eyes, or maybe they were plastic? I don’t know any other details on brand or anything.
I bought “Sleepy Dog” about six months before my daughter was born. It was the first thing I ever bought her. He was so soft and snuggly, it just seemed the perfect thing for a new baby. At the time I thought I was having a boy, but we found out later we were having a little girl instead, and from the day she was born Sleepy Dog was by her side.
It wasn’t until we started her in preschool that she really wanted her lovie to be with her all the time, and that is when we started to haul Sleepy Dog around town, to school, and on vacation. As you can see in the photo, when she got old enough she started strapping him into his own seat in the car, so he wouldn’t get hurt if we got in a car accident.
Three days before she got her tonsils out we went to visit the doctor, and that is the last time we remember seeing Sleepy Dog. We can only surmise that he must have fallen out of the car while we were running errands afterwards. The morning she had her tonsils out all she wanted was Sleepy Dog, and we were late to surgery because there was much crying and tearing the house apart looking for him.
We retraced our steps, asked store clerks, checked Lost and Founds… and no Sleepy Dog. That was last October, so we are going on 8 months now, and she still talks about how she misses Sleepy Dog. Last night she was sorting through her books (she just turned 6) and was telling Daddy about which books Sleepy Dog liked to be read.
Any information to help me track down our beloved Sleepy Dog is much appreciated. I wish I knew of a brand or anything but just don’t.
Thank you so much!
Amy, Paul & Samantha
If you can help Amy find this 2003 Unipak Designs Ooleys Very Floppy Tan & Cream Dog, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including the POST CODE #16022,
Originally posted Saturday – 06/05/2010