The dog is WHITE.
We are desperate to get a replica of this white dog named Bobbi.
We had just gotten him back from a friend who took it from school when we went on vaction. We were stuck in the airport for awhile, so my daughter got him out to care for him, feed him, and whatnot. Then we got rushed, and she ended up leaving him in the airport. We have done everything to find him, to no avail.
He was purchased new at Children’s Orchard in Springfield, MO and is an unknown brand. He is white. He was chenille, but he’s been washed many, many times. He has a pink spot over his eye, pink ears, and a pink tail.
Lauren was saying how she took such good care of him and fed and loved him. It is so sad. I have looked everywhere, but I don’t think there were a lot of them made.
Please please help if you can.
We appreciate it very, very much!
If you can help Lisa find this White Chenille Dog with Pink Ears, Eye Spot, and Tail, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #051509-1 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 05/15/2009