I bought my granddaughter a light brown beanie type dog in 2001. He had a short tail, with fairly short ears, and his coat was like short looped thread. He may have been a 2000 toy. He had a bean type body with a stuffed head. His coat was quite thick and he was super soft. He was about 12-14 inches long and was laying on his tummy. His legs were really floppy.He had a red tag, but we don’t know the brand. Any ideas on what he may be?
They lost their home and all their belongings last Sunday in a house fire, and she wants her baby.
Please help if you can,
If you can help Nina find this Large Light Brown Floppy Beanie Dog, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #072808-1 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 07/28/2008