I saw your website and I thought I would email you and ask you if you possibly know of a toy that I am in search of. You look like just the people who can help me. I don’t know what the toy is called, neither do I know who made it. All I know is that the toy was made sometime in the late 1970’s or early 1980’s.
It’s a stuffed dog who was dressed like a hobo. He had bib overalls with patches and possibly a hat. He was brown and had a black nose, but the nose was not plastic, just fabric. For a mouth he had two strings sewn on the snout. He had an apple or a strawberry patch on the left side of the bib of the overalls.
If you have heard of such a toy or even know what it was called, please let me know. I would really like to find this item!
Thank you in advance,
Helen Zaikina-Montgomery
One of our readers has added this information:
I think I may have found the name of the hobo dog that Helen is looking for. I found the following information on the drtoy.com web site:
In the mid 70’s – early 80’s I had a stuffed dog named Clem. He had on overalls, and I have since learned he originally came with a bandana. I have also since learned he had a brother and sister named Clyde and Clara.
I hope this helps Helen find a replica of her toy!
If you can help Helen find this 70’s or 80’s Hobo brown dog, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #010808-2 in the subject, .
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 01/08/2008