Praise God that your service was there, and Sammy is currently jumping for joy. He can’t wait to get it. His name will be “baby too!”
We will tell everyone about you, and please give our heartwarming thanks to Liza. Tell her we will keep an eye out for the Carter’s pink penguin. All our love!!! Serafina
Sammy is 5 years old and has a twin brother Michael. When they were born, they were each given a gift of this Baby Ganz Blue Lion with a colorful mane and tan paws and nose.
It became their special “coochie bear” first, then as they grew older they called it their “baby”. They became inseparable until the day that Sammy’s disappeared. He was devastated!
The entire house, car and anywhere else we could think of was torn apart and upside down. Still no baby and Sammy is heartbroken. We need another baby for Sammy. Can anyone out there help us out? We have contacted both Baby Ganz and Baby Gund and search eBay daily. We obviously need more help. We pray someone out there can help us find baby for Sammy.
Thanks very much. My email will never change. I hope one day you contact me with good news!!!
If you can help Serafina find this Baby Ganz Blue Lion with Pastel Multi-Color Mane, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including #070708-2 in the subject, .
Originally posted 07/07/2008
If you find the beige version of this lion, please contact us, because Manon is searching for it.