I’m looking for a white polar bear in a seated position, about 20 inches tall, with a brown nose and brown faux leather foot pads on his paws. He was originally a Christmas bear, with a velvety red hat and scarf that I received around 1992. I believe he was purchased at Kmart, but do not know the brand.My daughter has had this bear since she was born and has slept with him ever since she was little. She is now 11.
A year and a half ago she left him in a cart at Kmart and still cries for him. We put signs up all over town, and they even wrote a newspaper article, but to no avail. She says she would give up all her other toys just for him.
Thank you for your help. It is greatly appreciated.
If you can help Jennifer find this 1992 Large Seated White Polar Bear with Brown Vinyl Foot Pads, possibly wearing a Red Velvet Hat and Scarf, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #041009-4 in the subject
Searching for a toy – Originally posted 04/10/2009