Kelli is just sure that this is the one that Traci is looking for, because she is looking for it, too!
Well, I may possibly be too old to have a stuffed animal at 17, but this dog is my baby. He’s on my lap right now. No, I haven’t lost him, but I am terrified of doing so.
He’s at least seven years old by now, and turning green in the legs with age and much love. Because I know that even when I turn thirty I will love this dog, I want him to last. But to sleep at night without him, I need a replacement.
Also, for Traci- my dog sounds EXACTLY like the one that was stolen from you, and I am fairly certain I have the same one, purchased at the same place- I think Walmart. My doggie’s nose is fabric, and everything matches. I would just like to add to yours that, if it helps, his tag is still very slightly intact- I can make out the letters ‘con’ but it fades after that. My first thought was Commonwealth, and Anastasia confirms by guess as being correct.
So, if anyone knows where to find another one of him, please tell me or Traci.
Um, only link I’ve ever found for a picture is HERE.
Hi Rosemary! I did win this on eBay and sadly, it isn’t the same one, either. But it is so much like her old one, and it’s been some time since she lost “Greta” that I will quit looking for her sake. I think maybe it happened for a reason (that her puppy was stolen). She is so trusting and was heartbroken that maybe it will save her from being so heartbroken for some other reason in the future. Thank you so much for all your help, and I appreciate everyone that sent in info. Thanks so much.
A month ago, my 10 year old brought her favorite toy, Greta as she calls her, about 10-12″ German Shepard plush dog to a local park and left it sit on the park bench to look at the lake.
A teenage boy ran by without stopping and snatched it. It was going on dark and there was no hope of finding her. I don’t know who is more heartbroken over it; her or me watching her.
It had legs that were floppy and straight and got bigger towards the bottom. No feet, just legs that were round at the bottom. It did not have any movable or poseable arms or legs. It was not in a sitting pose; it’s legs were just straight. It was black and tan. I bought it at Walmart or Kmart about five years ago for @$10. I think it was named a purebred series or something close.
Any help would be so appreciated.
We need to restore this little girl’s faith in the goodness of strangers! If you can help Traci and Kelli find this Commonwealth Floppy German Shepherd Purebred?, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #102708-1 in the subject
Originally posted 10/27/2008