My 2 yr old daughter just recently lost her best friend in the world ( her doggie security blanket) while we were on vacation.
It has a large shaggy chenille beige puppy dog head, arms, and body on one end of a rectangular blankie. The bottom and tail and legs are on the other end. It has brown ears, nose, feet, and tail and a cream satin binding.
We were shopping at an outlet mall, and she dropped it out of her stroller at some point during the day. We thought we had located it at one of the stores, because the sales rep said they had found it and gave it to their manager. The manager had left for the day, so they gave us the phone # of the store and asked us to call the next day. My husband called, and they said they couldn’t find it, and that they think they might have accidentally thrown it out with the trash.
If anyone can help us out in finding this we would greatly appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you and God bless!
Jill & Kendall
If you can help Jill find this Large Beige Shaggy Chenille Dog Blankie with Head & Arms on one end and Bottom, Legs, and Tail on the other, THIS SEARCH REQUEST IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MANAGED. Please use Our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP, including POST CODE #070709-3 in the subject
Originally posted 07/07/2009