I evidently gave away my beloved old Ideal Flirty Eyed Doll with cryer to the Hermiston Oregon Goodwill. She was about 20 inches long, cloth body, vinyl head, arms, legs, and was probably made in the 1950’s. Her eyes moved side to side and opened and closed, and she had rooted realistic eyelashes. She looked like she was wearing make up, which to me says before 1960’s, but being vinyl she couldn’t be too old.
We were changing the floors in my kids’ room, and I had a box to go to Good Will and a box to put back in their room. My youngest daughter used to play with this doll, so it often was in her toy box.
When we finally got everything back inside I noticed she was missing. I thought there was no way I accidentally gave her away, but months later, after searching through the house and garage, she never turned up. We must have put her in the wrong box.
I got the doll when I was a small child at a garage sale.
I ran into your site accidentally, and thought it would be a source to help find it again. I placed an ad in the local ad paper, but no one ever responded to it.
Take care,
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Searching for a toy – Originally posted 03/05/2009